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Summer Programs at Storm Volleyball

Storm Volleyball Summer Camps & Programs Overview

Storm Volleyball Summer Camp & Open Gyms Pass for 2025


Summer is a time for vacations, relaxing & fun. It is also a time for volleyball players to improve

their game and get better. Storm Volleyball summer camps & programs are designed to help achieve that

goal. For a description and details of each of our camps see below. For those that are ready to take their

game to the next level we have our Storm Summer Pass 2025

All camps are located at Play it Now Sports

5025 N Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918


The Storm Summer Pass 2025 includes all Storm Camps listed below: (Storm Developmental season not included)

All skills camps (5), Serving Camps, Passing Camps, Setting Camps, Hitting Camps, Strength & Conditioning Camp,

Open Gyms, and our lowest price on Private Lessons are all included. Over 130 hours of Camp at a 75% discount.

Storm Summer Camp Pass 2025-------- $488 (over $2000 if purchased separately)



Storm Volleyball Open Gyms

1:00-3:00 for All Ages (2 hours for Summer 2025)

Open Gym is an organized skills/team practice run by our Club Coaches for Club players or players

interested in playing Club Volleyball for Storm. (Ages 10-18) 

Open Gym is a great way to get to know the coaches and the coached to get to know your players


Cost is $15   (cost is included in the Storm Summer Pass 2025)   **dates may be subject to change**


Sunday June 1st  

Sunday June 8th

Sunday June 15th

Sunday June 22nd

Sunday June 29th

Sunday July 6th

Sunday July 13th

Sunday July 20th

Sunday July 27th

Storm Volleyball Club Camps
All the Camps listed below are included in the Storm Summer Pass described above


All Skills Camps

The All Skills camps represent a large part of our summer volleyball programs.

Coached by our club coaches these camps are Mon thru Thu for 3 hours each day. With 3 hours each

day we will be able to drill down on each of the skills to a level we don't get to do often. 

All skills camps are for Club and Developmental players of all experience levels. Courts will be split accordingly.

We are offering 5 of these 12 hour camps throughout June and July.


6/2--6/5 All Skills Camp AM times (M-Thu,9am-12pm each day)

6/9--6/12 All Skills Camp Afternoon times (M-Thu, 1pm-4pm each day)

6/23--6/26 All Skills Camp AM times (M-Thu, 9am-12pm each day)

7/7--7/10 All Skills Camp Afternoon times (M-Thu, 1pm-4pm each day)

7/14--7/17 All Skills Camp AM times (M-Thu, 9am-12pm each day)

Cost for each camp is $199

(All 5 camps are included in the cost of the Storm Summer Pass 2025, 60 hours of camp)



Serving Camps

Serving will also be worked on in the All Skills Camps

Serving Camps are 2 days for 1 hour each day

Jun 3rd & 5th----4:00-5:00pm each day

Jun 10th & 12th-----9:00-10:00am each day

Jun 17th & 19th----- 9:00-10:00am each day

Jun 24th & 26th----4:00-5:00pm each day

July 8th & 10th-----9:00-10:00am each day

July 15th & 17th-----4:00-5:00pm each day

Cost for each camp is $50 or come to all of them included with the Storm Summer Pass


Passing Camps

Passing Camps are 2 days for 2 hours each day

June 2nd & 4th-----5:00-7:00pm each day

June 23rd & 25th-----5:00-7:00pm each day

July 14th & 16th----5:00-7:00pm each day

Cost for each camp is $75 or come to all of them included in the Storm Summer Pass



​Hitting Camps

Hitting Camps are 2 days for 2 hours each day

Jun 9th & 11th-----5:00-7:00pm each day

July 7th & 9th-----5:00-7:00pm each day

Cost for each camp is $75 or come to all of them included in the Storm Summer Pass


Setting Camp

Setting Camp is a 2 day Camp for 2 hour each day

Jun 16th & 18th------5:00-7:00pm each day

Cost for each camp is $75 or come to all of them included in the Storm Summer Pass



​Strength & Conditioning Camp

This camp is a 6 week camp that meets twice a week for 1 and 1/2 hours each day (12 total sessions)

Strength & Conditioning will take place on the turf field at PINS---there is no volleyball in this camp

This camp is designed to improve quickness to the ball and jumping ability.


June 2rd & 4th

June 9th & 11th

June 16th & 18th

June 23th & 25th

Off the week of Jun 30th till July 4th for Independence day

July 7th & 9th

July 14th & 16th


Time is 2:30-4:00pm at  Play it Now Sports


For those doing the Storm Volleyball Camps that start at 5:00pm they can stay in the

building and take a break until the 5:00pm camps begin

Cost for all 12 sessions is $149 or is included in the Storm Summer Pass




Storm Volleyball Club Tryouts 
Tryouts for 15s-18s teams will held Sat July 12th (time tbd)
Tryouts for 11s-14s teams will be held Sat Sep 6th (time tbd)

Eligibility is based on players age as of July 1st plus one
(i.e a player who is 13 on 7/1/25 will be 14's eligible)

More information soon to follow
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